Union democracy
PCS is a union built on democracy. Members play a key role in how we operate. All our representatives, including branch reps, national officers, and the national executive committee (NEC), are chosen through fair and open elections. This ensures our leadership is accountable to our members.
Democracy in PCS goes beyond elections. It’s also about how we decide our policies and actions. Every policy comes from members, ensuring we focus on real issues that matter to you. This process starts with our annual general meetings (AGMs).
AGMs are the foundation of PCS’s democracy. They give members a chance to have their say, raise concerns, and shape the union’s direction. At these meetings, members can propose motions on workplace issues or broader societal matters. Over the years, PCS members have driven discussions on topics like supporting refugees, opposing racism, and promoting equality for women, disabled workers, and LGBT+ workers. These priorities come directly from our members, ensuring PCS’s actions stay relevant.
When you submit a motion to your branch, it has the potential to influence PCS’s national priorities. Motions passed at branch level can move to our annual delegate conference (ADC), where representatives from across the union debate and vote on them. If adopted, these motions become part of PCS’s national policies.
There are specific timetables and deadlines for submitting motions and taking part in AGMs. Meeting these deadlines ensures your voice is heard and your ideas can be considered at the right time.
AGMs should be arranged so they are inclusive and accessible to all members. This means considering different needs and removing barriers to participation so that everyone can take part fully and equally.
Member participation in AGMs is essential. By speaking up, you help ensure PCS remains representative and inclusive. Everyone’s voice matters, and no group should feel left out. AGMs also strengthen the connection between members and the union, showing that PCS is a collective of people working towards common goals. You might also consider becoming a rep and standing up for your colleagues in the workplace.
Democracy in PCS doesn’t stop at AGMs and the ADC. Members can engage with their branches year-round to share ideas and shape the union’s work. This ongoing dialogue ensures PCS stays connected to its members and responsive to their needs.
PCS’s democratic structure keeps the union accountable and ensures it reflects members’ priorities. When your motion is debated and adopted nationally, you know your voice has made a difference. By getting involved, you help PCS remain strong, inclusive, and focused on what matters most to our members.