Inclusive AGMs
Branch annual general meetings are open for all members to attend. As a democratic union, it’s important that our diverse membership is reflected and that everyone's views can be heard in debates around union policy.
To ensure inclusivity, we’ve produced a guide on how to hold inclusive meetings, outlining steps branches should take to make meetings inclusive.
AGMs are an excellent opportunity to meet with your branch executive committee, discuss the branch’s priorities for the next year, and address issues that affect you most in your workplace. Broader issues, such as solidarity with Palestine or Ukraine, can also be discussed.
Even if you don’t want to stand as a rep, you can influence union policy and make positive changes in your workplace for yourself and your colleagues.
Make sure you check your email and noticeboards for details of your AGM. Contact your branch secretary if you haven’t heard anything. All AGMs must be completed by 6 March 2025.
Your local reps can help you write a motion and ensure it’s in the proper format to give it the best chance of passing at your branch, group, or annual delegate conference. If you’re unsure who your local rep or branch secretary is, log in to PCS Digital. You can also learn more about AGMs and writing motions by visiting the PCS Academy.