LGBT+ History Month Events: Activism and Social Change

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Microsoft Teams
Who's it for
all PCS members

PCS Proud is holding a series of events throughout February to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. The theme this year is “Activism and Social Change”, which is particularly relevant to us as trade unionists as our collective activism works to win change.

We encourage members to attend the events to learn more about LGBT+ history and how we can apply these lessons to activism going ahead. 

3 February, 5 – 6:00pm - “International LGBT+ Trade Union Activism, Past, Present and Future”. Yemisi Ilesanmi, Proud organiser for campaigns and communications, will lead a panel session  She will be joined by Verónica Montúfar, Public Service International equalities officer from Ecuador, and Maddy Northam, a member of the PSI LGBT+ interim steering committee from Australia who will share their work and experiences on international trade union LGBT+ activism.

12 February, 1 – 2:00pm - “Significant events in UK LGBT+ History”. Liat Norris, Proud secretary, gives a brief history of LGBT+ activism in the UK, including decriminalisation, the first Pride marches and backlashes against raids on gay bars.

17 February, noon – 1:00pm - “LGBT+ Moments of Joy” - Finn Welden, Proud Trans rep, leads an interactive session, for Proud members only, to share their personal experiences in a safe and informal setting, and what gives them hope in our future.

26 February, 6 – 7:00pm - “Activism, our past, present and future” - Facebook Live. The guest speaker will be Ray Goodspeed, founding member of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, who will talk about his experiences of trade union activism and LGBT+ struggles and how we can carry this forward.

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